
10 June 2024

17:00 (05:00 pm) - Dis & Datinformation w/Ann Li

Join us for a daily topical conversation about cultural and political economic research subjects plus discussion about scholarly articles posted to the TAC Discord server.

Reading: Groundwork of the Critique of Political Economy

19:00 (7:00 pm) - Reading and Writing Workshop w/Nancy M.

Bring any writing, old, new, fictional or factual, on any topic, poetry or prose, to read and discuss. For latest writing prompt see the #writing-workshop channel on the Discord.

21:00 (09:00 pm) - TAC GameTime Hour w/Gametimers

TAC GameTime Hour is your weekly one-stop destination for all things sports. This dynamic news show offers a comprehensive overview of the most thrilling events, remarkable achievements, and compelling stories from the world of sports over the past week. Check our #game-time on Discord.


11 June 2024

17:00 (05:00 pm) - Dis & Datinformation w/Ann Li

Join us for a daily topical conversation about cultural and political economic research subjects plus discussion about scholarly articles posted to the TAC Discord server.

Reading: Reviewing Simon Clarke’s Summary of Volume I Capital

19:00-20:30 (7:00-8:30 pm) - The Read Hour w/Bruce M.

Join the us every Tuesday for a short story discussion. See this week’s reading in the #the-read-hour channel on Discord.

Reading: The Day Before the Revolution by Ursala K. Le Guin


12 June 2024

17:00 (05:00 pm) - Dis & Datinformation w/Ann Li

Join us for a daily topical conversation about cultural and political economic research subjects plus discussion about scholarly articles posted to the TAC Discord server.

Reading: Reviewing Simon Clarke’s Summary of Capital Volume I

20:30-21:30 (08:30 pm) - Spirituality and Activism w/Texas Tom #spirituality-and-activism

Tonight we will watch and discuss an interview with the well known progressive Evangelical leader and author Jim Wallis about his recently published book The False White Gospel. Wallis says that it is time to call out genuine Christianity and reject White Christian Nationalism–inviting all who can be persuaded to reject and help dismantle a false gospel that propagates white supremacy and autocracy. He states that we need to embrace authentic faith and help those who are oblivious, stuck, and captive to the ideology and idolatry of White Christian Nationalism that is leading us to such great danger. The interview is conducted by Daily Beast columnist Wajahat Ali who is himself a Muslim.

Jim Wallis wrote his new book not only for Christians but for all faith traditions, and even those with no faith at all. When we see a civic promotion of fear, hate, and violence for the trajectory of our politics, we need a civic faith of love, healing, and hope to defeat it. And that must involve all of us-religious or not.


13 June 2024

17:00 (05:00 pm) - Dis & Datinformation w/Ann Li

Join us for a daily topical conversation about cultural and political economic research subjects plus discussion about scholarly articles posted to the TAC Discord server.

Reading: Finishing Simon Clarke’s Summary of Capital Volume I

19:00 (07:00 pm) - Bring the News w/Whomever Brings It

If you come across an article or bit of news that you feel the group would find interesting read it aloud (or ask someone to) and open the floor to discussion.

21:00 (9:00 pm) - “Texas Tom” Webber’s Night Owl Roost

Please check #zoom-links channel on Discord for separate Zoom link.


14 June 2024

17:00 (05:00 pm) - Dis & Datinformation w/Ann Li

Join us for a daily topical conversation about cultural and political economic research subjects plus discussion about scholarly articles posted to the TAC Discord server.

Reading: Reviewing Simon Clarke’s Summary of Capital Volume II

18:00 (06:00 pm) - Open Dialogue

19:00 (07:00 pm) - The After Hours Show S02E04

On tonight’s show:

20:30 (8:30 pm) - A Guided Tour of the Twilight Zone w/Prof. Jon (Donate)

It is a major insult fest between two quite capable actors. We also have an appearance from a two time Star Trek guest star and a Columbo and previously appearing TZ guest.

22:00 (10:00 pm) - Open Dialogue

23:00 (11:00 pm) - Patrick McGoohan!? The Prisoner w/The CinemaTAC


15 June 2024

14:00 (2:00 pm) - Free-Form Leader-less Reading, Writing and Whatever Workshop

Bring any writing, old, new, fictional or factual, on any topic, poetry or prose, to read and discuss. For latest writing prompt see the #writing-workshop channel on the Discord.

15:00 (03:00 pm) - Dis & Datinformation w/Ann Li

Join us for a daily topical conversation about cultural and political economic research subjects plus discussion about scholarly articles posted to the TAC Discord server.

Reading: Capital Volume II

16:00 (04:00 pm) - Bring the News w/Whomever Brings It

If you come across an article or bit of news that you feel the group would find interesting read it aloud (or ask someone to) and open the floor to discussion.

21:00 (09:00 pm) - Bring the Music

Bring tunes you want to share, check #music Discord channel for this week’s theme.


16 June 2024

14:00 (02:00 pm) - Art Attack Zoom Group w/Texas Tom (separate Zoom)

14:00 (02:00 pm) - Hammer and Sickle

Join us for shop and garden help and discussion.

15:00 (03:00 pm) - Weekly Marx Reading Group

Reading: Reviewing a Summary of Volume II Capital by Simon Clarke

17:00 (05:00 pm) - A Colombo Watch Party & Discussion w/Prof. Jon (Donate)

? pm - Sunday Soul Social (Following Columbo) w/Lane

Note: all times are EST.


Register for a slot on After Hours now.