
20 January 2025

Condolences to the Community on Inauguration Day, Happy Brave New World!

17:00 (05:00 pm) - Dis & Datinformation w/Ann Li

Reading: General Intellect (sic)

Join us for a daily topical conversation about cultural and political economic research subjects plus discussion about scholarly articles posted to the TAC Discord server.

19:00 (7:00 pm) - Reading and Writing Workshop w/Nancy M.

Bring any writing, old, new, fictional or factual, on any topic, poetry or prose, to read and discuss. For latest writing prompt see the #writing-workshop channel on the Discord.

20:00 (08:00 pm) - The Funny Hour

Similar to the Bring the Music hour but with stand up and funny videos where the whole community participates.


21 January 2025

17:00 (05:00 pm) - Dis & Datinformation w/Ann Li

Reading: Heinrich Appendix 5

Join us for a daily topical conversation about cultural and political economic research subjects plus discussion about scholarly articles posted to the TAC Discord server.

19:00-20:30 (7:00-8:30 pm) - The Read Hour

Join the us every Tuesday for a short story discussion. See this week’s reading in the #the-read-hour channel on Discord.

This week’s reading: Dacey’s Patent Automatic Nanny by Ted Chiang


22 January 2025

17:00 (05:00 pm) - Dis & Datinformation w/Ann Li

Reading: The Mystical Force of Money

Join us for a daily topical conversation about cultural and political economic research subjects plus discussion about scholarly articles posted to the TAC Discord server.

20:30-21:30 (08:30 pm) - Spirituality and Activism w/Texas Tom

Agenda: Fighting Billionaire Control

Nancy Jane has kindly volunteered to lead a discussion of two videos listed below that can help us begin to come to grips with the new reality of billionaires DIRECTLY (and not just behind the scenes as puppeteers) seizing the reins of control of our nation’s government, economy and geopolitics. You will not want to miss this session!

Video: Is Elon Musk Heir to Nazi Dream of World Conquest? w/ Jim Stewartson

Video: Elon Musk’s Move into Politics: Yanis Varoufakus and Cory Doctorow on Fighting Billionaire Control


23 January 2025

17:00 (05:00 pm) - Dis & Datinformation w/Ann Li

Reading: Ramos-Martinez on the Transformation Problem

Join us for a daily topical conversation about cultural and political economic research subjects plus discussion about scholarly articles posted to the TAC Discord server.

19:00 (07:00 pm) - Night Train to Munich w/CinemaTAC

The film is about an inventor and his daughter who are kidnapped by the Gestapo after the Nazis march into Prague in the prelude to the Second World War. A British secret service agent follows them, disguised as a senior German army officer pretending to woo the daughter over to the Nazi cause.

21:00 (9:00 pm) - “Texas Tom” Webber’s Night Owl Roost

Please check #zoom-links channel on Discord for separate Zoom link.


24 January 2025

17:00 (05:00 pm) - Dis & Datinformation w/Ann Li

Reading: Nick Dyer-Witheford and AI-Capitalism

Join us for a daily topical conversation about cultural and political economic research subjects plus discussion about scholarly articles posted to the TAC Discord server.

18:00 (06:00 pm) - Open Dialogue

19:00 (07:00 pm) - The After Hours Show S02E36

On tonight’s show:

20:30 (8:30 pm) - A Guided Tour of the Twilight Zone w/Prof. Jon (Donate)

This week’s episode: The Bewitchin' Pool

Two children escape their bickering parents through a portal in the bottom of their swimming pool to a magical land watched over by a kind old woman the children call Aunt T.

22:00 (10:00 pm) - Open Dialogue


25 January 2025

15:00 (03:00 pm) - Weekly Marx Reading Group

Reading: Surplus Value and The Measuring Of Difference

17:00 (05:00 pm) - The Shining w/Beeb

21:00 (09:00 pm) - Bring the Music

Bring tunes you want to share, check #music Discord channel for this week’s theme.


26 January 2025

14:00 (02:00 pm) - Art Attack Zoom Group w/Texas Tom (separate Zoom)

15:00 (03:00 pm) - Weekly Marx Reading Group

Reading: Wiseacre and Constant Variable Capital

17:00 (05:00 pm) - A Star Trek Watch Party & Discussion w/Prof. Jon (Donate)

This week’s episode: The Big Goodbye

Captain Picard and some of his crew are caught in a deadly trap in the holodeck as the result of a ship-wide scan from an alien race.

? pm - Sunday Soul Social (Following Star Trek) w/Lane

Note: all times are EST.


Register for a slot on After Hours now.