
17 February 2025

17:00 (05:00 pm) - Dis & Datinformation w/Ann Li

Reading: Ian Wright Part 2 Plus Subsumption

Join us for a daily topical conversation about cultural and political economic research subjects plus discussion about scholarly articles posted to the TAC Discord server.

19:00 (7:00 pm) - TENTATIVE: Reading and Writing Workshop w/Nancy M.

If you would like to fill in for Nancy’s reading and writing workshop, please step up.

20:00 (08:00 pm) - The Funny Hour

Similar to the Bring the Music hour but with stand up and funny videos where the whole community participates.


18 February 2025

17:00 (05:00 pm) - Dis & Datinformation w/Ann Li

Reading: Saenz de Sicilia & Subsumption

Join us for a daily topical conversation about cultural and political economic research subjects plus discussion about scholarly articles posted to the TAC Discord server.

19:00-20:30 (7:00-8:30 pm) - The Read Hour

Join the us every Tuesday for a short story discussion. See this week’s reading in the #the-read-hour channel on Discord.

This week’s reading: Lane will be doing a special presentation on the punk poet John Cooper Clark.


19 February 2025

17:00 (05:00 pm) - Dis & Datinformation w/Ann Li

Reading: Subsumption, Sublation and Elective Affinity

Join us for a daily topical conversation about cultural and political economic research subjects plus discussion about scholarly articles posted to the TAC Discord server.

20:30-21:30 (08:30 pm) - Spirituality and Activism w/Texas Tom

Agenda: Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Theory of Stupidity

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German theologian and philosopher, and was executed because if his involvement in the resistance to Hitler, developed his theory of stupidity during World War II in an effort to try and understand and explain why so many German citizens embraced Nazi philosophy. He believed that stupidity, as he defined it, is more dangerous than evil because it is impervious to reason and cannot be countered by protests or force.

Bonhoeffer’s insights remain relevant today, especially in the context of misinformation and polarized societies. His theory encourages us to reflect on the nature of irrational behavior and the importance of fostering critical thinking and independent thought.

This evening we will watch a short video and read an article that will help us flesh out the particulars of Bonhoeffer’s theory of stupidity and explore together its implications for today’s situation as we strive to confront the a challenges we face in the Trump Era.

Video Link

Tonight’s Articles: Bonhoeffer’s Theory of Stupidity Explained

You can also ready Bonhoeffer’s original circular letter Theory of Stupidity (PDF), just read the first 1.25 pages.


20 February 2025

17:00 (05:00 pm) - Dis & Datinformation w/Ann Li

Reading: 18th Brumaire Again

Join us for a daily topical conversation about cultural and political economic research subjects plus discussion about scholarly articles posted to the TAC Discord server.

19:00 (07:00 pm) - Bring the News w/Whomever Brings It

If you come across an article or bit of news that you feel the group would find interesting read it aloud (or ask someone to) and open the floor to discussion.

20:00 (08:00 pm) - Palatial Shrines to Consumerism w/Joseph of Arabia

If Joe manages to wake, he’ll discuss his new found not so hate-filled appreciation for the modern shopping mawl, Middle East edition.

21:00 (9:00 pm) - “Texas Tom” Webber’s Night Owl Roost

Please check #zoom-links channel on Discord for separate Zoom link.


21 February 2025

17:00 (05:00 pm) - Dis & Datinformation w/Ann Li

Reading: today

Join us for a daily topical conversation about cultural and political economic research subjects plus discussion about scholarly articles posted to the TAC Discord server.

18:00 (06:00 pm) - Open Dialogue

19:00 (07:00 pm) - The After Hours Show S02E39

On tonight’s show:

20:30 (8:30 pm) - A Guided Tour of the Twilight Zone w/Prof. Jon (Donate)

This week’s episode: Cavender is Coming Home

Inept apprentice guardian angel Harmon Cavender is chastised by his superior and given a final chance to earn his wings by helping an unconventional big city woman, the young, socially awkward Agnes Grep. Starring Carol Burnett and Jesse White.

22:00 (10:00 pm) - Open Dialogue


22 February 2025

15:00 (03:00 pm) - Weekly Marx Reading Group

Reading: today

21:00 (09:00 pm) - Bring the Music

Bring tunes you want to share, check #music Discord channel for this week’s theme.


23 February 2025

14:00 (02:00 pm) - Art Attack Zoom Group w/Texas Tom (separate Zoom)

15:00 (03:00 pm) - Weekly Marx Reading Group

Reading: today

17:00 (05:00 pm) - A Star Trek Watch Party & Discussion w/Prof. Jon (Donate)

This week’s episode: Home Soil

On Velara III, someone or something is killing scientists stationed on the base.

? pm - Sunday Soul Social (Following Star Trek) w/Lane

Note: all times are EST.


Register for a slot on After Hours now.