Current schedule:

Friday, 2 April 2021

20:00 (08:00pm) - Greetings, Salutations, Invocation

22:00 (10:00pm) - Texas Tom Webber Spirituality and Activism

23:00 (11:00pm) - Prof. Jon Familiarize yourself with 3 of the most important ideologies in the current era: conservatism, liberalism, democratic socialism.

Saturday, 3 April 2021

00:00 (00:00 am) - Nick Chaney Let’s Get Reel (with Nick and Sarah` / Women in Prison films I plan to give a brief overview of exploitation films from the 60s/70s/80s and their cultural value, while then highlighting a specific subgenre to dive into and explore its contradictory nature between exploitative sleaziness and daring condemnation of societal norms. The subgenre being: Women in Prison flicks.

01:00 (01:00 am) - Dan “Nowman” Niswander Nowman is always in the present moment so it is open topic with special guest(s`? I may discuss Cultural and Economic Transition, Organizing A Movement, Music, Film, or.. April 3rd is the day that I celebrate another year around the sun, so I want to celebrate a bit with my friends here as well.

02:00 (02:00 am) - Available

03:00 (03:00 am) - Available

04:00 (04:00 am) - Available

05:00 (05:00 am) - Available

06:00 (06:00 am) - Available

07:00 (07:00 am) - Sarah Busch I plan to make a wonderfully festive Easter pie or die trying.

08:00 (08:00 am) - Available

09:00 (09:00 am) - Hannah Feldman Anatomy of a Fart Joke 2: Electric Tootaloo I’ll explain how to break down the undigestible material of life and turn it into the pressurized, directed bursts of hot air of jokes.

10:00 (10:00 am) - Available

11:00 (11:00 am) - Sarah, Falco, Dave PA Farm and Garden Talk: Farming and gardening using sustainable methods. Come with any questions you might have! 12:00 (12:00 pm) - Dave PA Shop Talk: Mutual Aid.

13:00 (01:00 pm) - Bruce Discord Digest

14:00 (02:00 pm) - Adnan Husain and Friends Life, the Universe and Everything

15:00 (03:00 pm) - Lane Lanes Planes. Fighter Jet Evolution

16:00 (04:00 pm) - Roriki Socialism @morningMarx @weeklymarx

17:00 (05:00 pm) - Prof. Ann Li At the present I will continue discussing some concepts related to the concepts of fictional capital and perhaps NFTs (non-fungible tokens) with application including but not limited to property

18:00 (06:00 pm) - The Wind Down with David Feldman

Followed by Diabetic Fury.

Note: all times are EST.


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