Latest Schedule

Below are the upcoming speakers for the next After Hours.

Office Hours #150, 17-19 Feb 2023

FU Mutual Aid Fundraiser

A member of the FU community is in urgent need of funds in the wake of a medical emergency and other expenses. Please help if you can.

Donate to Help Now

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Monday, 13 February 2023

13:45 (01:45 pm) - Roundtable Discussion with Journalist Paul Jay, Prof. Ann Li, Prof. Jonathan Bick hosted by Walter Kiriaka

18:00 (06:00 pm) - The “Big” Russian Offensive Could Begin This Week w/Prof Ann

“While a #Russian offensive is imminent, a big push from #Ukraine in the south could be months off as it has to wait for weapons. The US is now advising Ukrainian troops to play for time” (source).

Further reading: [the Institute for the Study of War]

Friday, 17 February 2023

18:00 (06:00 pm) - Greetings, Salutations and Announcements

18:30 (06:30 pm) - The Fast Lane

19:00 (07:00 pm) - Art, History and Its Revisions w/Brian Bannon

An exhibit of portraits by former president George W. Bush shown at the Atlanta History Center during the spring of 2022 invited comparisons to Cyclorama, the epic painting of the Battle of Atlanta housed at the museum.

The exhibit opened in Atlanta on April 12, ahead of Georgia’s May primary elections. Media coverage hyped the Republican as Establishment incumbents in an epic battle against a slate of challengers endorsed by former president Donald Trump. Soon after the exhibit opened in Atlanta, Bush appeared at a Texas fundraiser for Gov. Brian Kemp. Kemp and the other incumbents’ victories were hailed as the Establishment finally stopping Trump. At least in Georgia. The effort meant painted Bush, widely unpopular at the end of his own presidency, and criticized by Trump in his own run in 2016, as the last “good” Republican President.

20:00 (08:00 pm) - David Takes Your Questions and Abuse

21:30 (09:30 pm - A Guided Tour of the Twilight Zone w/Prof. Jon (Donate)

23:00 (11:00 pm) - The David Feldman Community’s Guidelines w/Falco and Co.

An overview accompanied by some general guidelines in having constructive conversations and staying healthy.

Saturday, 18 February 2023

00:00 (12:00 am) - Dear Leader: Amazon Labor Union Horribleness

We’ll read and discuss the reporting on the controversy with the Amazon Labor Union.

Source: Payday Report, Amazon Labor Union Suspends Kentucky Organizing Amid Controversy

01:00 (01:00 am) - Available

The Witching Hours Session

02:00 (02:00 am) - Elderly Adult Swim Current: (The Venture Bros.) w/Henchman 21

Watching some of the older Adult Swim shows and discussing the real world translations if there are any etc. Bring popcorn.

03:00 (03:00 am) - The Venture Bros. Cont’d. w/Henchman21

Season 01 (Episodes 6 & 7): Discussion to follow.

04:00 (04:00 am) - Real Time w/Bill Maher - Reaction w/Henchman21

Watching the latest Real Time and discussing after.

Morning Session

7:00 (7:00 am) - Take a Stroll in Nature (Tenative) w/Joe in Norway

8:00 (8:00 am) - Red Eye Live Reading w/Dave in PA

Listen to current assignments for both the Tuesday (#fu-left-book-union) and Wednesday (#weds-marx) reading groups on the Discord.

9:30 (9:30 am) - The Crusading Society, a Course w/Prof. Adnan Husain

In this course, we will use medieval history to explore the shared roots of white supremacy, antisemitism, & Islamophobia.

Register for the course on

When: Saturdays 9:30-11am EST

Where: on Google Meet, direct meeting link

Or dial: (CA) +1 587-794-8940 PIN: 470 123 871

More phone numbers

11:00 (11:00 am) - Topic Discussion w/the Weekly Marx Bunch

Afternoon Session

12:00 (12:00 pm) - Available

13:00 (13:00 pm) - Available

14:00 (02:00 pm) - Trekking w/Prof. Jon - A Look at a Classic Star Trek Episode (Donate)

16:00 (04:00 pm) - Screening: Adam Curtis' Russia 1985-1999 Traumazone w/Lane

What it felt like to live through the collapse of communism and democracy. Episode 3. 1989-1991: The Empire Strikes

Note to US readers: Programme is mostly in Russian with English subtitles.

Evening Session

17:00 (05:00 pm) - Russia 1985-1999 Traumazone Cont’d.

18:00 (06:00 pm) - Available

19:00 (07:00 pm) - Available

23:00 (11:00 pm) - Cringe Until it Crashes (the Zoom) w/the Cringe Lords

Did you see a video this week which made you die a little inside? Share it with the community and make us all CRINGE at it.

Join us at the end of our Zoom meeting to indulge in all the weirdness and downright insanity the interwebz have to offer:

☑️ Really bad music videos
☑️ Totally insane conspiracy theorists
☑️ Religious nutcrackers
☑️ Or just anything which makes you cringe is good!

(no sexually explicit content)

Do you think you can best Dave Ami’s videos, do you secretly love all the glam rock Walter shows (as we all know he loves as well)?

Come join in the fun!

Sunday, 19 February 2023

(Zoom link for Sunday)

14:00 (02:00 pm) - Hammer and Sickle w/Andy, DPA, Falco and Sarah

15:00 (03:00 pm) - Weekly Marx Reading Group

17:00 (05:00 pm) - A Colombo Watch Party & Discussion w/Prof. Jon

Colombo Watch Party will start in just over one hour (5 PM ET) at the following .

Note: all times are EST.


Register for a slot on Office Hours now.

Office Hours #149, 10-12 Feb 2023

FU Mutual Aid Fundraiser

A member of the FU community is in urgent need of funds in the wake of a medical emergency and other expenses. Please help if you can.

Donate to Help Now

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Friday, 10 February 2023

18:00 (06:00 pm) - Greetings, Salutations and Announcements

18:30 (06:30 pm) - The Fast Lane

19:00 (07:00 pm) - The 1 Minute Video Project 2019-23, Part III w/Steve

Running time: approx 24 minutes

  • 23 videos, each is 60 seconds in-duration.
  • some minutes are longer than others.
  • you open the door and you close it.
  • you can’t really make art and have a full-time job at the same time. this is my rebellion.
  • you don’t need to prepare anything.
  • jokes about this absurd project are welcome.

Collection of 1300+ videos Curated version of 60 of the best videos

20:00 (08:00 pm) - David Takes Your Questions and Abuse

21:30 (09:30 pm) - A Guided Tour of the Twilight Zone w/Prof. Jon (Donate)

23:00 (11:00 pm) - The Neuropsychology of Conspiracy Theories w/Annika

On the misconception that conspiracies and bizarre ideologies are a result of mental illness. While a large part of it is related to personality traits, there are neurological pattern-finding mechanisms that can go awry and consequently distort our perception. Their beliefs are insane and unhinged, but the believers, for the most part, are not mentally ill.

Saturday, 11 February 2023

00:00 (12:00 am) - Zelenskys Argument for Wings w/Walter

He has been called a rat, dog, and a fascist Jew. Have you heard him or seen him? Zelensky speech to British Parliament.

01:00 (01:00 am) - Available (Book Now)

The Witching Hours Session

02:00 (02:00 am) - Elderly Adult Swim Current: (The Venture Bros.) w/Henchman 21

Watching some of the older Adult Swim shows and discussing the real world translations if there are any etc. Bring popcorn. …

Morning Session

7:00 (7:00 am) - Working Class Paradise? w/Joe in Norway

Walking tour of of a small Norwegian factory town nestled amid jaw-droppingly beautiful mountains. At what cost to workers is the ability to own a ~300 m^2 home and drive a BMW and/or Mercedes in exchange for diminished union activism and power; and what happens when the factories are sold to Chinese investors?

8:00 (8:00 am) - Red Eye Live Reading w/Dave in PA

Listen to current assignments for both the Tuesday (#fu-left-book-union) and Wednesday (#weds-marx) reading groups on the Discord.

9:30 (9:30 am) - The Crusading Society, a Course w/Prof. Adnan Husain

In this course, we will use medieval history to explore the shared roots of white supremacy, antisemitism, & Islamophobia.

Register for the course on

When: Saturdays 9:30-11am EST

Where: on Google Meet, direct meeting link

Or dial: (CA) +1 587-794-8940 PIN: 470 123 871

More phone numbers

11:00 (11:00 am) - Topic Discussion w/the Weekly Marx Bunch

Afternoon Session

12:00 (12:00 pm) - Available (Book Now)

13:00 (13:00 pm) - Available (Book Now)

14:00 (02:00 pm) - Trekking w/Prof. Jon - A Look at a Classic Star Trek Episode (Donate)

16:30 (04:30 pm) - Valley Vox Theatre: A Valentine’s Day with Bite

Valley Vox Theatre will celebrate Valentine’s Day with Teeth from 2007. We’ll be sharing the love with this girls own adventure story for the ages. Once we’re in the mood, we’ll discuss this little gem of a pic with you, our audience.

Contact us at, or @ValleyVox on Twitter and on Patreon. Zoom link will be posted here on the day of the show.

Evening Session

19:00 (07:00 pm) - Screening: Adam Curtis' Russia 1985-1999 Traumazone w/Lane

What it felt like to live through the collapse of communism and democracy. Episode 3. 1989-1991: The Empire Strikes

Note to US readers: Programme is mostly in Russian with English subtitles.

23:00 (11:00 pm) - Cringe Until it Crashes (the Zoom) w/the Cringe Lords

Did you see a video this week which made you die a little inside? Share it with the community and make us all CRINGE at it.

Join us at the end of our Zoom meeting to indulge in all the weirdness and downright insanity the interwebz have to offer:

☑️ Really bad music videos
☑️ Totally insane conspiracy theorists
☑️ Religious nutcrackers
☑️ Or just anything which makes you cringe is good!

(no sexually explicit content)

Do you think you can best Dave Ami’s videos, do you secretly love all the glam rock Walter shows (as we all know he loves as well)?

Come join in the fun!

Sunday, 12 February 2023

(Zoom link for Sunday)

14:00 (02:00 pm) - Hammer and Sickle w/Andy, DPA, Falco and Sarah

15:00 (03:00 pm) - Weekly Marx Reading Group

17:00 (05:00 pm) - A Colombo Watch Party & Discussion w/Prof. Jon

Colombo Watch Party will start in just over one hour (5 PM ET) at the following .

Note: all times are EST.


Register for a slot on Office Hours now.

Office Hours and Hours #148, 3-5 Feb 2023

FU Mutual Aid Fundraiser

A member of the FU community is in urgent need of funds in the wake of a medical emergency and other expenses. Please help if you can.

Donate to Help Now

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Thursday, 2 Febuary 2023

18:00 (06:00 pm) - The Value of a College Major w/Prof. Jon

I thought it might be interesting to review a video that discusses the perceived value of college degrees by major.

Friday, 3 Febuary 2023

18:00 (06:00 pm) - Greetings, Salutations and Announcements

18:30 (06:30 pm) - The Fast Lane

19:00 (07:00 pm) - Individual Responsibility, Y’all need Jesus w/Rodrigo (Donate)

20:00 (08:00 pm) - David Takes Your Questions and Abuse

22:00 (10:00 pm) - A Guided Tour of the Twilight Zone w/Prof. Jon (Donate)

23:00 (11:00 pm) - Partisans in Ukraine and Russia. Sabotaging Putin’s War w/Falco and Feldman University

Saturday, 4 Febuary 2023

00:00 (12:00 am) - Partisans in Ukraine and Russia, Cont’d.

01:00 (01:00 am) - Available

The Witching Hours Session

02:00 (02:00 am) - Elderly Adult Swim Current: (The Venture Bros.) w/Henchman 21

Watching some of the older Adult Swim shows and discussing the real world translations if there are any etc. Bring popcorn.

03:00 (03:00 am) - Available

04:00 (04:00 am) - Available

05:00 (05:00 am) - Available

Morning Session

06:00 (06:00 am) - Available

07:00 (07:00 am) - Climb a Single Mountain w/Joe in Norway

We return to Sukkertoppen or some other pile of rocks for a quick climb with views of the North Sea and protected islands.

8:00 (8:00 am) - Red Eye Live Reading w/Dave in PA

Listen to current assignments for both the Tuesday (#fu-left-book-union) and Wednesday (#weds-marx) reading groups on the Discord.

9:30 (9:30 am) - The Crusading Society, a Course w/Prof. Adnan Husain

In this course, we will use medieval history to explore the shared roots of white supremacy, antisemitism, & Islamophobia.

Register for the course on

When: Saturdays 9:30-11am EST

Where: on Google Meet, direct meeting link

Or dial: (CA) +1 587-794-8940 PIN: 470 123 871

More phone numbers

11:00 (11:00 am) - Topic Discussion w/the Weekly Marx Bunch

Afternoon Session

12:00 (12:00 pm) - Available

13:00 (01:00 pm) - Available

14:00 (02:00 pm) - Trekking w/Prof. Jon - A Look at a Classic Star Trek Episode (Donate)

16:00 (04:00 pm) - Slaughterhouse Nein w/John Hays

Discussion, video and photos (not graphic) from the vigils at the Farmer John facility in Vernon, California, just south of downtown L.A. This hellhole has been shut down this week.

Evening Session

17:00 (05:00 pm) - Screening: Adam Curtis' Russia 1985-1999 Traumazone w/Lane

What it felt like to live through the collapse of communism and democracy. Episode 2. 1989-1991 No Potatoes in Moscow

Note to US readers: Programme is mostly in Russian with English subtitles.

18:00 (06:00 pm) - Screening: Cont’d w/Lane

Discussion on episode one or go straight into episode two. Whatever tickles your fanski.

21:00 (09:00 pm) - Screening: Adam Curtis' Century of the Self Pt. 3 w/Bruce

23:00 (11:00 pm) - Cringe Until it Crashes (the Zoom) w/the Cringe Lords

Did you see a video this week which made you die a little inside? Share it with the community and make us all CRINGE at it.

Join us at the end of our Zoom meeting to indulge in all the weirdness and downright insanity the interwebz have to offer:

☑️ Really bad music videos
☑️ Totally insane conspiracy theorists
☑️ Religious nutcrackers
☑️ Or just anything which makes you cringe is good!

(no sexually explicit content)

Do you think you can best Dave Ami’s videos, do you secretly love all the glam rock Walter shows (as we all know he loves as well)?

Come join in the fun!

Sunday, 5 Febuary 2023

(Zoom link for Sunday)

14:00 (02:00 pm) - Hammer and Sickle w/Andy, DPA, Falco and Sarah

15:00 (03:00 pm) - Weekly Marx Reading Group

17:00 (05:00 pm) - A Colombo Watch Party & Discussion w/Prof. Jon

Note: all times are EST.


Register for a slot on Office Hours now.

Office Hours #147, 27-29 Jan 2023

FU Mutual Aid Fundraiser

A member of the FU community is in urgent need of funds in the wake of a medical emergency and other expenses. Please help if you can.

Donate to Help Now

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Friday, 27 January 2023

18:00 (06:00 pm) - Greetings, Salutations and Announcements

18:30 (06:30 pm) - The Fast Lane

19:00 (07:00 pm) - Old Jon Stewart for David Feldman w/Rodrigo (Donate)

A slightly older video about an important situation, don’t want to spoil the surprise.

20:00 (08:00 pm) - David Takes Your Questions and Abuse

22:00 (10:00 pm) - A Guided Tour of the Twilight Zone w/Prof. Jon (Donate)

23:00 (11:00 pm) - Medicare A-B-C-D-G’s and Fight MediCare For All in America w/Dr. Nancy

Saturday, 28 January 2023

00:00 (12:00 am) - Available

01:00 (01:00 am) - Available

02:00 (02:00 am) - The Witching Hours. Open dialogue.

Morning Session

7:00 (7:00 am) - Available

8:00 (8:00 am) - Red Eye Live Reading w/Dave in PA

Listen to current assignments for both the Tuesday (#fu-left-book-union) and Wednesday (#weds-marx) reading groups on the Discord.

9:30 (9:30 am) - Cancelled: The Crusading Society, a Course w/Prof. Adnan Husain

11:00 (11:00 am) - Topic Discussion w/the Weekly Marx Bunch

Afternoon Session

12:00 (12:00 pm) - Available

13:00 (13:00 pm) - Available

14:00 (02:00 pm) - Trekking w/Prof. Jon - A Look at a Classic Star Trek Episode (Donate)

Evening Session

16:30 (04:30 pm) - Valley Vox Theatre

Valley Vox Theatre will show Jackie Brown. Based on Elmore Leonard’s book Rum Punch, this heist crime caper is a ton of fun and a Tarantino must-see.

Contact us at, or @ValleyVox on Twitter and on Patreon. Zoom link will be posted here on the day of the show.

19:00 (07:00 pm) - Screening: Adam Curtis' Century of the Self Pt. 2 w/Bruce

23:00 (11:00 pm) - Cringe Until it Crashes (the Zoom) w/the Cringe Lords

Did you see a video this week which made you die a little inside? Share it with the community and make us all CRINGE at it.

Join us at the end of our Zoom meeting to indulge in all the weirdness and downright insanity the interwebz have to offer:

☑️ Really bad music videos
☑️ Totally insane conspiracy theorists
☑️ Religious nutcrackers
☑️ Or just anything which makes you cringe is good!

(no sexually explicit content)

Do you think you can best Dave Ami’s videos, do you secretly love all the glam rock Walter shows (as we all know he loves as well)?

When the Office Hour zoom dies, the Cringe will continue on Sunday’s Zoom (link here).

Come join in the fun!

Sunday, 29 January 2023

(Zoom link for Sunday)

14:00 (02:00 pm) - Hammer and Sickle w/Andy, DPA, Falco and Sarah

15:00 (03:00 pm) - Weekly Marx Reading Group

17:00 (05:00 pm) - A Colombo Watch Party & Discussion w/Prof. Jon

Note: all times are EST.


Register for a slot on Office Hours now. ne

Office Hours #146, 20-22 Jan 2023

FU Mutual Aid Fundraiser

A member of the FU community is in urgent need of funds in the wake of a medical emergency and other expenses. Please help if you can.

Donate to Help Now

qr code

Friday, 20 January 2023

18:00 (06:00 pm) - Greetings, Salutations and Announcements

18:30 (06:30 pm) - The Fast Lane

19:00 (07:00 pm) - Available

20:00 (08:00 pm) - David Takes Your Questions and Abuse

22:00 (10:00 pm) - A Guided Tour of the Twilight Zone w/Prof. Jon (Donate)

23:00 (11:00 pm) - Lützerath and Direct Action Against Coal Mining in Germany w/Falco

Saturday, 21 January 2023

00:00 (12:00 am) - Available

01:00 (01:00 am) - The Master and the Carriage (Gurdjieff) w/Larry

The story, a metaphoric description of the human inner condition, begins when a nineteenth century carriage stops at the main square of an unknown city. Night is falling.The carriage driver opens the door, expecting to find his master, but a crowd of strangers steps out.The driver, upset and confused, seeks help from other carriage drivers…He will discover that he is part of a very ancient allegory, the allegory of man compared to a carriage.Thus begins a series of mythic adventures,where his quest can be understood at many different levels, very simple but also symbolical of a much greater meaning.

02:00 (02:00 am) - The Witching Hours. Open dialogue.

Morning Session

6:00 (6:00 am) - Falling Down Skiing w/Joe in Norway (tentative)

Ski pole cam in hand, I’ll give cross-country skiing another shot. Feel free to give me any pointers or just laugh with me while I flail across the snowy expanse.

7:00 (7:00 am) - Available

8:00 (8:00 am) - Red Eye Live Reading w/Dave in PA

Listen to current assignments for both the Tuesday (#fu-left-book-union) and Wednesday (#weds-marx) reading groups on the Discord.

9:30 (9:30 am) - The Crusading Society, a Course w/Prof. Adnan Husain

In this course, we will use medieval history to explore the shared roots of white supremacy, antisemitism, & Islamophobia.

Register for the course on

When: Saturdays 9:30-11am EST

Where: on Google Meet, direct meeting link

Or dial: (CA) +1 587-794-8940 PIN: 470 123 871

More phone numbers

11:00 (11:00 am) - Topic Discussion w/the Weekly Marx Bunch

Afternoon Session

12:00 (12:00 pm) - Available

13:00 (13:00 pm) - Available

14:00 (02:00 pm) - Trekking w/Prof. Jon - A Look at a Classic Star Trek Episode (Donate)

Evening Session

16:00 (04:00 pm) - Screening: Adam Curtis' Russia 1985-1999 Traumazone w/Lane

What it felt like to live through the collapse of communism and democracy. Episode 1. 1985-1989 The Dream of Saving Communism

Glasses of you use your phone. Note to US readers: Programme is mostly in Russian with English subtitles.

17:00 (05:00 pm) - Screening: Cont’d w/Lane

Discussion on episode one or go straight into episode two. Whatever tickles your fanski.

18:00 (06:00 pm) - Available

19:00 (07:00 pm) - Screening: Adam Curtis' Century of the Self Pt. 2 w/Bruce

23:00 (11:00 pm) - Cringe Until it Crashes (the Zoom) w/the Cringe Lords

Did you see a video this week which made you die a little inside? Share it with the community and make us all CRINGE at it.

Join us at the end of our Zoom meeting to indulge in all the weirdness and downright insanity the interwebz have to offer:

☑️ Really bad music videos
☑️ Totally insane conspiracy theorists
☑️ Religious nutcrackers
☑️ Or just anything which makes you cringe is good!

(no sexually explicit content)

Do you think you can best Dave Ami’s videos, do you secretly love all the glam rock Walter shows (as we all know he loves as well)?

Come join in the fun!

Sunday, 22 January 2023

(Zoom link for Sunday)

14:00 (02:00 pm) - Hammer and Sickle w/Andy, DPA, Falco and Sarah

15:00 (03:00 pm) - Weekly Marx Reading Group

17:00 (05:00 pm) - A Colombo Watch Party & Discussion w/Prof. Jon

Note: all times are EST.


Register for a slot on Office Hours now. ne