Friday, 28 October 2022
20:00 (08:00 pm)
- Greetings, Salutations and David Takes Your Questions and Abuse
21:30 (09:30 pm)
- The Fast Lane
22:00 (10:00 pm)
- A Guided Tour of the Twilight Zone w/Prof. Jon (Donate)
23:00 (11:00 pm)
- Deep Dive Into War of the Worlds w/Bruce
It will be the 84th anniversary of the most famous radio broadcast of all time. What happened that night?
Saturday, 29 October 2022
00:00 (12:00 am)
- Something Halloweeny This Way Comes w/John Hays
01:00 (01:00 am)
- Available
02:00 (02:00 am)
- The Witching Hours. Open dialogue.
Morning Session
6:00 (6:00 am)
- Biking & Hiking Out on Sula (Weather Permitting) w/Joe in Norway
I’ll take the speedboat ferry inland to the island of Sula and we can either go out or up. Out to the western tip just above shore line, or up the mountain hiking/biking, it’s a beast of a climb. My body’s fate is in your hands to decide how to treat it. Do I go up or out?
8:00 (8:00 am)
- Live Read of a Short Story (TBD) w/Dave in PA
9:30 (9:30 am)
- The Crusading Society, a Course w/Prof. Adnan Husain
In this course, we will use medieval history to explore the shared roots of white supremacy, antisemitism, & Islamophobia.
Register for the course on
When: Saturdays 9:30-11am EST
Where: on Google Meet, direct meeting link
Or dial: (CA) +1 587-794-8940 PIN: 470 123 871
More phone numbers
11:00 (11:00 am)
- Topic Discussion w/the Weekly Marx Bunch
Afternoon Session
12:00 (12:00 pm)
- Hammer and Sickle w/Andy, DPA, Falco and Sarah
14:00 (02:00 pm)
- Trekking w/Prof. Jon - A Look at a Classic Star Trek Episode (Donate)
16:00 (04:00 pm)
- Original Video Screening w/Steve K.
I would like to screen some original video. It’s kid-friendly and mostly inoffensive. screen time will be about 20-25 minutes, and then I’ll “donate” the rest of the hour to the group.
Evening Session
17:00 (05:00 pm)
- A Ghost Story w/Susanna
Watch an episode of The Wild, Wild, West TV show (1967).
18:00 (06:00 pm)
- Available
19:00 (07:00 pm)
- Available
Sunday, 30 October 2022
15:00 (03:00 pm)
- Weekly Marx Reading Group
Note: all times are EST.
Register for a slot on Office Hours now.