Facilitator, Adnan Husain, Department of Zany Knowledge, Feldman University (FU)

Time: Saturdays 8-9:30am

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Course Description

This course explores the intellectual history of Jews and Muslims and the intersections of their philosophical, theological, literary and religious cultures and traditions from late antiquity to modern times. In particular, the course is interested in philosophical fictions that stage inter-religious dialogues, thought experiments, creative imaginings and visions to explore fundamental questions about human experience, knowledge, the cosmos, salvation and earthly history, the relationships to animals and nature, and divine truth.  It will involve close reading of such texts ranging from scripture/exegetical tracts to mystical treatises, polemical disputes, and philosophical dialogues, while appreciating the contexts and spaces of Jewish-Muslim thought in the learned circles of cities like Baghdad and Berlin, Cairo and Cordoba,  Palermo and Paris, and of course Jerusalem. Seminar discussion in our collaborative study will be crucial and depend upon short writing assignments. There will also be the opportunity to explore a sustained problem or issue historically and philosophically in a final project.

Course Materials and Resources:

The following books are available for purchase at the Queen’s University bookstore and/or through the Queen’s University Library:

Peter Adamson, Philosophy in the Islamic World, v. 3, A History of Philosophy without any Gaps (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016) Chapters of this work are available as audiobook episodes of History of Philosophy without Any Gaps Podcast, episodes 120-196.

Ibn Tufayl’s Hayy Ibn Yaqzan: A Philosophical Tale, tr. Lenn Evan Goodmann (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003)

Kafka, The Complete Stories, ed. Nahum N. Glatzer (NY: Schocken Books, 1971)

Syllabus and reading materials can be found in the #files Discord channel.

Course Timeline

Note: subject to revision!

Weeks Lecture Topics Readings
Week 1 January 22 Introduction, how to read a parable Will be provided in class
Week 2 Jan 28 Free Thinkers: Philosophy and Prophetic Religion Author: Al-Farabi

Adamson, p. 3-76, 91-97, 113-139

Al Farabi, The Attainment of Happiness, Al-Farabi’s Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, tr. Muhsin Mahdi (NY: MacMillan, 1962), p. 41-50 (section 4).

Week 3 Feb 5 07:00pm Free Thinkers: Philosophy and Prophetic Religion Author: Ibn Sina

Avicenna (Ibn Sina), On the Soul: The Floating Man, various excerpts (c. 1020-1037).

Al-Samaw’al al-Maghribi, Silencing the Jews, ed. Tr. M. Perlmann, Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research 32 (1964), p. 74-88. (autobiographical conversion narrative)

Recommended: Full text of al-Maghribi’s Silencing the Jews

Adnan A. Husain, Conversion to History: Negating Exile and Messianism in Samaw’al al-Maghribi’s Polemic against Judaism, Medieval Encounters 8/1 (2002), p. 3-34

Michael Marmura, Avicenna’s Flying Man in Context, The Monist 69/3 (July, 1986), p. 383-395

Week 4 February 12 Law and the problem of reason: Al-Ghazali’s Synthesis

Adamson, p. 106-112, 140-153

Kafka Before the Law (in Collected Stories, p. 3-4)

Oven of Achnai

Al-Ghazali The Deliverance from Error, Freedom and Fulfillment, tr. Richard J. McCarthy (Boston: American University of Beirut, 1980)

Week 5 February 19 Fantastical situations: Ibn Tufayl Review

Adamson, p. 157-193, 201-214

Ibn Tufayl, Hayy Ibn Yaqzan

Midrash selections

Recommended: Introduction 1-93.

Week 6 February 26 Animals pt. 1

Adamson, p. 84-90, 98-105

The Case of the Animals versus Man before the King of the Jinn: a Translation from the Epistles of the Brethren of Purity, tr. Lenn E. Goodman and Richard McGregor (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009), p. 63-65, 99-113, 115-121, 127-131, (131-143 jinn and human history—recommended), 202-221, 230-268, 287-88, 290-5, 311-16

Moses Hadas, Berechiah ben Natronai ha-Nakdan (Jewish Aesop)

Interpretations of the Song of Songs

Week 7 March 5 Religious Diversity and Truth

Halevi, Kuzari

Abelard: dialogue between philosopher (crypto Muslim), Jew, and Christian.

The Case of the Animals, 301-11

Lessing, Parable of the Rings

Week 8 March 12 Religious Diversity and Politics

Mendelssohn, Jerusalem

Montaigne, On Cannibalism

Testament of Ardashir, D. Gutas, Greek Thought, Arabic Culture, p. 80-81

Ibn Kammuna, selections

Week 9 March 19 Apophasis and Impossible Truths

Maimonides, selections

Zohar, selections

Stories of the Sufi Saints

Hidden Ways p. 83-93

Week 10 March 26 Love

Hassidic Parables


Bahya ibn Paquda, Duties of the Heart

Nissim Gaon,Treatise on Relief after Adversity

Week 11 April 2 Animals pt. 2

Kafka, Animal Parables

Kafka: Before the Law

Week 12 April 9 Modernity

The Devil’s Advisory Council

Ali Shariati, selected essays, speeches

Freud, Visit to Rome